Gary and Jade

Gary and Jade share a deep respect for the healing, transformation and connection that yoga can bring about.

We both came to yoga from a place of struggle, and for us both, it has changed everything. We know how powerful it can be, and we want to share this with others.

We share a similar outlook on the world. We know this human existence can sometimes be hugely painful and inexplicably challenging. We also feel in our hearts that it is pure magic to keep playing and that compassion and human connection are forces for change, creation, regeneration and healing. We feel guided by these values as we share yoga and hold space on our yoga retreats.

  • Jade has been teaching yoga since 2017 and loves to guide Vinyasa and Embodied Flow, as well as meditation and deeply restful Yin Yoga classes. She is also passionate about astrology and holding ceremonies to honour the lunar cycle.

    She spent several years teaching yoga full-time in Brighton, UK, across many different studios alongside offering private and corporate classes both in-person and online. She also worked in addiction services, teaching yoga as a tool to support those on their journey to recovery.

    She has also worked on three Yoga Teacher Training Courses as a yoga teacher, trainer and facilitator.

    Alongside hosting her own yoga retreats in various locations across the globe, Jade has spent time working at yoga retreat centres in the Philippines and Goa, teaching daily yoga classes to the guests as the resident yoga teacher, alongside Gary.

    She originally found yoga whilst struggling with her mental health at university and found that everything changed through simply getting out of the mind and into the body. During this challenging time, the practice and its spiritual philosophy brought her great healing and a sense of reconnection and she continues to honour this side of the practice with enormous gratitude in her teaching.

    Jade has completed trainings in India in 2017 and 2019 (Yoga Alliance RYT 500 hours Vinyasa and Yin), as well as a CPD in Embodied Flow (2023).

    She also enjoys writing about yoga; she wrote the YTTC manual for the teaching training courses on which she worked, and has been featured in OM Yoga Magazine.

    She is particularly passionate about using yoga to build self-compassion and a more compassionate earth, and she teaches with warmth and a deep respect for this sacred practice that has brought her so much healing, joy and peace. She feels so grateful to be sharing this with others.

  • Gary is an experienced yoga teacher and health & wellbeing coach. He teaches traditional Hatha, yin, mindful flow, yoga nidra, meditation and pranayama. He sees asana, deep breathing, mindfulness and a positive attitude as medicine for modern life; a way to connect to one’s true self, our planet, and all living things.

    Gary specialised in Yoga Therapy for his advance teacher training and went on to study Behaviour Change for Health and Wellbeing to become a certified health coach. As well as teaching group classes he also enjoys working 121 with clients wanting to make positive changes in their lives.

    On a personal level, Gary has a calm and playful nature, he enjoys connecting and interacting with fellow beings. He sees and feels the magic and joy in life, enjoying a silly nonsensical conversation and a deep and meaningful natter in equal measures.

    Gary started practicing yoga in 2012, following several years struggling with chronic fatigue, IBS, depression and anxiety, leaving him in bed for weeks at a time. Having exhausted traditional options via the NHS, seeing specialists and trying countless different medications but finding no relief or diagnosis, he purchased a book on Ayurveda and read the book front to back several times. Adopting the diet and lifestyle in the book, Gary purchased the ‘Yoga for Dummies’ DVD, to introduce himself to yoga, and found more relief from that first ever practice than he had from any medication he’d been prescribed by his GP. Gary started to practice Kundalini yoga and soon become devoted to his practice and new way of looking at life. Gary continued to use yoga as a coping mechanism and invested his time and energy into understanding the human body and behaviour.

    In October 2015 Gary completed his 200 hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training at Ashiyana Yoga Retreat Centre, Goa, India and went on to become a resident teacher at the centre for 3 years. During this time he also trained in Reiki (Level 2) and Thai Massage. In 2018, Gary completed his 500 hour Yoga Alliance advanced teacher training, specialising in Yoga Therapy (yoga for specific illnesses), with Dr Ashutosh, in Karnataka, India. Along with extensive traditional yoga and ayurveda teachings, Gary learned and practiced the art of Yoga Nidra from the Dr and has found this to be one of the most powerful therapeutic tools of yoga to date. On his return to the UK, in 2018, Gary started teaching at yoga studios in Brighton, UK and has done so since, along with 121 sessions for yoga and coaching and various workshops and retreats.